APP World Tour 2022 Racing Season Recap
Published on February 15th, 2023 | by Supworldmagazine
Check out the APP World tour season recap of all the great races 2022 had to offer!: « 2022 saw the full tour back on show again. It was also the year of the young guns as the next generation of racers are now fighting for the top spots in each race. But racing legend Connor Baxter would not be stopped from going for the top prize and in so doing claiming his 3th World Championship, on the Women’s Front we all knew April Zilg would be at the top of the pack but she did so in the most dominant way possible claiming her 1st APP World Championship. This year brought lots of new names to the front and we are looking forward to seeing everyone compete around the world as the 2023 Season is fast approaching. Stay tuned to the APP World Tour as we start building up to what is promising to be the best year yet. »