
Big Blade Showdown for Downwind Foiling PPC vs Ono Ava

Published on July 5th, 2023 | by Supworldmagazine

Follow Dave West as he compared the PPC and Ono Ava paddles for Downwind Foiling, two of the biggest sized paddles you can get for downwinding at 105sq cm.
As someone who paddles with a larger paddle regularly now he has a good understanding of whats needed for a good paddle. Check it out!

Flatwater paddle ups onto foil with PPC paddle against the Ono Ava QB blade.
What do you think of big paddles? Do you think it helps or not? Is it just a gimmick?
Do you just get used to whatever you use?
Let me know your thoughts!
MK Foiling Shop on the Sunshine Coast https://mkfoilingaustralia.com/
PPC Website https://ppcfoiling.com/product/down-w…

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