
Browsing the "News & videos" Category

Island Hopping Pt. 1

February 4th, 2016 | by Supworldmagazine

I love Hawaii! Ok, not that original of a statement, but the truth nonetheless. Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate just [&hellip

Huge Surf and Sup Session on Jaws

February 3rd, 2016 | by Supworldmagazine

Check out Kai Lenny surfing some of the biggest waves ever surfed on on sup board. With the biggest swell that [&hellip

Japan River SUP

January 27th, 2016 | by Supworldmagazine

Check out japanese paddlers Masayuki Takahata  » Yacu « , Yoshida Taku and French paddler Fred Bonnef river suping in Japan

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