
Browsing the "Surf" Category

Exploring Iceland with Sup Boards

October 26th, 2016 | by Supworldmagazine

Follow the Blueline / Paddle Surf Hawaii team exploring Iceland. Some incredibly beautiful picture in this insane edit gathering both cruising [&hellip

Sup Surfing Fiji, Namotu and Tavrua

October 20th, 2016 | by Supworldmagazine

Stand Up Paddle Surfing with Scott Dodd and his Fijian wife Egi in the crystal clear waters around Namotu and [&hellip

SUP Paddlers Burn More Calories!

September 21st, 2016 | by Supworldmagazine

WHY AN UNSTABLE UNDERGROUND HAS A POSITIVE EFFECT ON CALORIE BURNING You burn a lot of calories while you are [&hellip

Sup Road Trip in Iceland

June 15th, 2016 | by Supworldmagazine

Beautiful Short film on a road trip to sup Iceland – cruise through icebergs, exploration, and surf. If there is [&hellip

Couch Sup Surfing with Dogman

May 27th, 2016 | by Supworldmagazine

He’s back! Dogman is at it again couching surfing…We’ve all been a couch surfer at some point of our lives, [&hellip

XXL Sup Board Surfing

May 20th, 2016 | by Supworldmagazine

There are more and more brands producing those XXL sup sizes boards, for good reasons they’re fun as hell!

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