
Finding Flow In Ocean Conditions | Sup Foil Downwinding

Published on February 13th, 2025 | by Supworldmagazine

Check out Downwind Drifter finding their flowstate while out in ocean conditions in New Zealand!

Hello and welcome!
Welcome to the North side! I like this side of the peninsula, north facing for us down in New Zealand is our sunny side. I think that is why I like it… the south side is a bit dimer and has shadows and shade… it also means the wind might have a southerly edge which means Antartica, enough said.

This was a fun atmosphere this one, there was also a touch of tension as a few of the guys mainly Todd and School Teacher Matt (STM?) are just starting to find their legs on these onshore days. It’s a different game when going out into ocean fetch bumps – Just quickly – by ocean fetch I mean that the bumps have had unlimited fetch/distance on their way to us. So if the wind system starts from 500km away, then thats the fetch, and how long the wind has been pushing those bumps towards us. Comparatively if there was only 500m of fetch at 20kts the bumps might be 20-30cm. If that same 20kt wind was pushing the water towards you for 500km (which would take days) the bumps would be stacked and… I don’t know… but likely overhead and spaced out. So there’s a big difference between onshore » and offshore/bay » conditions. So if you’re having trouble in the ocean style dont feel bummed, it’s a different game to learn and likely far more difficult.

So thats what we had here, ocean style… and the guys knew it. I feel it too, there’s an excitement when faced with a big ocean and it comes from deep inside oneself. Feelings! I’m not sure if I can describe it and not really sure if I even need too… But I guess imagine an F1 driver on the morning of the race and then even more so, finally strapped in on the starting line, he knows the feeling! Or maybe your first day joining a new sports team and heading out for your first game day. It’s the known unknown, youre expecting something but you don’t yet know what. Im feeling it now as I write this, and I had it recently at the airport leading up to a new trip.

It’s good to feel, and it’s better to feel for the right reasons! I hope you’re also having some adventure feelings and don’t have to only face these feelings in the wrong spaces… like why does my boss want to see me? or am I going to be too late for my flight!! I myself just jumped on a plane to Hawaii, its the unknown, or at least the known unknown… Ive heard lots about Hawaii, big waves mainly stood out to me and big oceans! Am I ready? I don’t know. Will I find out? Yes. I will take on the unknown and what will surely push my comfort zone, as did Todd and School Teacher Matt this day.

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