New Products @ PADDLEexpo 2015 – Siren, Sigma-Ibag inflatable Rescue System
In Partnership with PADDLEexpo (Sept 17-19th 2015), Kayak Session mag, Paddle World mag and SUP World Mag are releasing web updates previewing what seems to be the coolest paddlesports items expected to be seen at this year’s World’s biggest Paddlesport Trade show.
As both a dual storage and water-safety tool for inflatable sup boards, Siren-supsurfing has created the Sigma Ibag – a revolutionary inflatable rescue system that attaches to the sup board, allowing the paddler to feel safe in every water and weather condition. While fulfilling the EN Norm 15649-1/2/3 that calls for a second air chamber for inflatable boards, the Sigma Ibag also serves as a perfect dry bag.
Specs: length 70cm / high 25cm / width 25cm / 500 gram weight
The sigma Ibag inflatable rescue system is the first combined packing and watersafety tool for sup boards. Also the Ibag fullfills the EN Norm 15649-1/2/3 for a second airchamber in inflatable sup boards with this tool every inflatable board fulfills this norm!
What sets Ibag apart from the rest?
– first combiened packing and water safety tool for Isup
– fullfill the EN Norm 15649-1/2/3
– makes every inflatable board much more safe for every water condition
– could safe lives
more info go to: