Page 19 - BG2014-complet-28
P. 19

Our company, ROCROI, 

importer and manufacturer, cannot agree at all 

Brick-n-mortar shops are the backbone of
on the direct sales, as our policy and business is 
based on networking. We understand that some 
our industry. They train, educate, and service 
consumers, all helping to grow our industry. markets are harder than others and in some of the 

Whether you like the middlemen or not, they are smallest markets direct sales are mandatory, but 

essential for the continuation of our sports. We always with the clear idea of creating interest and 
are not like electronics, fashion, or health goods, 
developing a network. Any brand cannot think of 
where there is minimal training and education 
being successful in volume and notoriety without 
required. We need paddlers to be smart, enthused, a proper network. The brands that play the game 
and engaged. Therefore, our company continues 
on going direct to small retailers or customers 
to support our retailers.
will lose inluence and volume in the market. At 
Andrew Stern – Marketing Manager, Branches, LLC. 
the end of the day, making more money on direct 
(Aqua-Bound and Bending Branches), USA
sales is a very easy solution in the short term. 
But in the mid/long term, the loss of volume and 

networking will kill those brands, unless you are 

Nike or CocaCola and you can invest fortunes PO
in marketing—but we don’t really have those ddle
examples in paddling! From my perspective, we ner/
will see some changes, but if the manufacturers er 
go in that direction, we will end up in the same Pet
place as windsuring some years ago when the oto
manufacturers and big players killed the network 

on direct sales and killed themselves. Is this what 

we want for our market???

Lluis Rabaneda, Owner, Roc Roi 

(Distribution company), SPAIN

Obviously this is a disaster for 

us shops. The main effect will 
be that either manufacturers will 

have to run their own network 

of shops, which will be a loss
to the consumer as the advice 
As an independent family owned store it’s 
given will always be weighted to 
unsurprising we have strong views on direct sales. 
one brand, or it will be regional 
Along with clubs, centres and other paddlesport supply only, e.g. Pyranha are in 
facilities, a well-established dealer network with 
the north, Dagger in the south, 
appropriate geographic distribution is the basis for 
our sport. However, given the seasonal nature of 
the UK market, paddling retailers must serve more Matt Bishop - General Manager, 

than just their core function. Whether this means Canoe Kayak Trader, UK

diversiication into other sports as we have, or 
adopting other strategies is up to the individual. As 

an industry as a whole, UK paddlesport is lucky not 

to have suffered from large online-only retailers and 
their pursuit of turnover at the sacriice of proit, as 

seen in the surf and kite market.

Georges - Robin Hood Watersports - Shop, UK


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