Page 21 - BG2014-complet-28
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It has been a longstanding

theory of mine 
that when a non- 
paddler sees a vibrant community full of great 

people, continual activity and lots of smiles, they 
We are big on educating our paddlers about the sport, will always want to be a part of the fun. Vibrant 
encouraging them to improve their skill levels, and whitewater communities build our sport. Events 

making sure they are successful. We host a huge SUP are a big part of that formula.

event annually that continues to grow in popularity In the early 2000s we saw growth in whitewater 
and we have co-sponsored a number of other events. begin to wane. Events, especially freestyle events, 

We regularly offer clinics, many led by some of the top were long, tough to run, diicult to organize and 
weighed heavily on the mostly volunteer core. By 
SUPers in the world, as well as kids camps, corporate 
outings, private parties, and more. We feel events like 2002 to 2004, some of the major events began 
dropping like lies. The result: a quiet industry. 
this are very important in spreading the word about the 
Non paddlers and paddlers alike turned from the 
beneits of paddling and being ambassadors for the sport, became distracted and, in combination with 
the occasional tough water years, participation 

lattened and new boaters were on the decline.
Karen Jewell - Operations Manager, Downunder CT, 
Shop, USA
In 2007, World Kayak started its Hometown 
Throwdowns and its movie premier nights for 

of-season fun. These events were simple to run, 
fun for all amateurs, and were covered regionally 

via the web so that more and more non-paddlers 
could catch a glimpse of the fun we have in boats. 

The ‘ambassador’ and local volunteer group were 
given an “event in a box.” Simple rules, 2 ride type 
formats for freestyle, easy ‘slalom survivor’ down 

river races and a creek format were provided to 
a growing number of regional groups. It took of. 

Twenty events in 2007 became 75 in 2008 and in 
2014 there are 180+ events mostly across North 


In parallel to this, new river running/creek events O
took life on both the amateur and professional XP
scale. The community has become active again. add
Visually stimulating events like the Whitewater er/P
Grand Prix, culturally important and vibrant creek ntn
races like the Green, and others now seem to be eter
a stronger beat. Our paddling nations are getting ©: P
stoked again and that vibe is spreading. Non- Phot
paddling audiences are once again seeing that 

goofy grin on paddlers competing worldwide. The 
local amateur series are shared on blogs, social 
Events, whether they are grass roots or on a national media and more, demonstrating just how fun our 
scale, are a wonderful thing. Besides being just plain 
sport is, how easy it is and how safe it is.
fun, they inform people on all aspects of paddling, 
In 2011, the Outdoor Industry Association listed 
ranging from river safety to gear selection, and are also whitewater kayaking as having the 3rd largest 
a great way for people meet other groups of like-minded 
growth spurt of all outdoor sports. Each year since, 
people (i.e - paddle partners!). Events are also a time to both growth and participation numbers have 

get paddling gear at sale prices. CKS PaddleFest (http:// curved upwards and this past year whitewater for example, has a used boat swap, kayaking still fell in the top 5 in participation 

where current model boats are often times for sale for growth.

well below market value. This may be of interest for a The bottom line is that events of all kinds put on 
beginner looking to get into kayaking without breaking by our volunteers within our communities not only 

the bank. Our retail shop also has a sale at PaddleFest, breathe life into our sport, but also gives others a 
positive glimpse into paddling. If done right, any 
where every major kayak manufacturer in the US events (festivals, movie nights, competitions etc.) 
attends, and helps us sell everything in the shop for sale 
are a key portal to our sport’s health and growth.
James McBeath – Marketing 
Bobby Kuepper - Colorado Kayak Supply, Shop, USA
Director, Jackson Kayaks, USA


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